Event Clean-up

Action Labor has all your Event Clean-up staffing needs.

After any sporting event, concert or special event, Action Labor is ready to do the clean-up. We have successfully staffed & cleaned-up major NFL games, NASCAR races and more.

Call us at 1-800-LABOR-4U

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Action Labor is ready to do the clean-up

After any sporting event, concert or special event, Action Labor is ready to do the clean-up. We have successfully staffed & cleaned-up major NFL games, NASCAR races and more.

Event Clean-up Positions:

  • Full Grounds Crew
  • Cleaning & Janitorial
  • Trash Removal Staffing
  • Traffic Attendants
  • Take Down Staffing

Interested in a position not here? We bring on new clients all the time and our services are growing daily, so please contact us or inquire at one of our offices.